Real Time Strategic Change is a global consulting firm specialized in helping organizations create fast and lasting results.  Our mission is to support companies, communities, and countries in creating fast and lasting results — whatever they may be.  We work with our clients using these values:

  • Fast change and lasting change
  • Predictable outcomes and flexible processes
  • Creating change and “change able” organizations
  • Clear guidance and innovative solutions
  • A great experience and solid results.

At first value pairs may seem like they’re in conflict with each other. However, they’re no more in conflict than having to choose between making changes in your organization and keeping the status quo in place. But that’s a false choice. The best way to bring about change in an organization is to paradoxically reinforce what is going to stay the same.

These values that guide our work are based on this same concept called Polarity Thinking™.

Robert "Jake" Jacobs, founder and CEO of Real Time Strategic Change, is a pioneer in the field of large group interventions.  He has authored and contributed to seven books and worked with some of the largest corporations in the world including American Express, Corning, Ford, The Home Depot, Marriott, Mobil Oil, and TJ Maxx.