Walker, Jeremy

Jeremy Walker

Polarity Certifications: PACT™ Foundations & Professional Applications Boulder, CO USA

As an ontological coach, I work with techniques to help my clients achieve whole-being transformation that enables breakthrough results in leadership, relationships, and overall mental health. I love how Polarity Thinking™ provides a straightforward approach to facilitating values clarification and consistently yields helpful insight into systemic problems that can otherwise seem unsolvable.

During my twenty-five year career in software development and engineering leadership, I learned about what really gets in the way of our true potential. Talent is important, but highly competent people still get stuck because of the subtle ways that reality doesn’t align with our expectations. Our tendency is to either fight against reality or run away. Both responses miss the learning opportunity and we continue to repeat the same lesson.

I help my clients to become aware of the unconscious narratives that keep them stuck in such cycles, and polarity mapping is one of the best tools I have discovered for this.

Introduce Me to Jeremy


Visser, Roemer


Walker-Morgan, Susan