Hompe, Lisa

Lisa Hompe

Polarity Certifications: PACT™ Foundations & Professional Applications 

Berwin, PA United States

As an Executive Coach and Consultant, Lisa partners with individuals and teams to help identify and achieve their goals and strategic outcomes. Lisa is a proven leader in healthcare, healthcare consulting, and healthcare marketing with more than 25 years of professional experience. With diverse experience working in a variety of nursing, leadership, coaching and consulting roles, Lisa has keen insight and understanding of how complex organizations function. Lisa has coached executives and leaders in healthcare, government, higher education, Human Resources and IT. She has consulted in risk management with multi-site hospital systems, pharmaceutical market research, biotech, and held roles in healthcare marketing with a major insurer. Lisa has a depth of knowledge of the current healthcare market including operational, quality assurance, and regulatory compliance issues.

Lisa’s forte is in building authentic, collaborative partnerships to help clients discover and achieve optimal outcomes. Lisa believes the key to success of an organization resides in the culture and the individual people who drive that culture within an organization. With an appreciative, holistic, strengths-based approach with clients, Lisa is passionate about helping leaders and teams grow and discover their optimal path forward in complex, uncertain and changing environments.

Introduce Me to Lisa


Hendel, Diana


Iacometti , Franco