Platzer, Petra


Petra Platzer

Polarity Certifications: PACT™ Foundations & Professional Applications, Midlothian, VA USA

Petra Platzer is COO and a founding partner of SixSEED Partners, a firm providing integrated solutions to heal healthcare systems. She is a development-oriented coach, facilitator and systems thinker.

As a well-published cancer researcher, Petra focused on identifying markers in signaling pathways leading to dysfunctional organs, resulting in unhealthy systems. In her leadership roles, she recognized this same process between individuals and teams and their impact to the organization. This ignited her passion for working with leaders, teams and systems to co-create the healthy, interdependent signals they need to achieve their desired results.

As a professionally certified coach (PCC) and graduate of Georgetown University’s Leadership coaching program, Petra has successfully partnered with numerous clients and colleagues in the healthcare and academic settings to support developing effective leaders, teams, interdisciplinary initiatives and tangible culture changes.

Through her leadership roles in Georgetown University’s Health & Wellness Coaching certification and Virginia’s SYNC programs, Petra emphasizes developing the coach approach and increasing our individual and leadership capacities to transform the care of our health—individually and organizationally.

Introduce Me to Petra


Peterson, Kay


Portengen, Riet