Carter, Sandy


Sandy Carter

Polarity Certifications: Mastery
Lansing, MI USA

Authorship in And: Volume Two – Applications:
Chapter 17: ”Demystifying Classic Assessments Through a Polarity Lens”

Sandy’s background is in coaching, psychotherapy, business, healthcare, and leadership. Sandy views her work from a variety of perspectives and understands everything through a polarity framework in coaching personal and organizational change. She is a long-range thinker who fosters collaboration, building trust, and promoting unity within organizations. She has coached a range of leaders and healthcare professionals, working extensively with physicians from a variety of specialties, healthcare executives, boards of directors, and various management teams. Sandy’s research is in the area of transformational leadership, deep change, wellness, and resiliency. 

Sandy has had several diverse roles related to executive and board membership, business management, business and leadership consulting and as an HR development specialist in a multispecialty group practice. 

Sandy is a member of the international Coaching Federation and is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC). Sandy has a Ph.D in Organizational Management with a specialization in Leadership. She earned an MBA in Strategic Management and a Masters degree in Social Work. 


Canic, Sandra


Cary, Margaret