Ndaa, Peter
Peter Ndaa
Polarity Certifications: PACT™ Foundations & Professional Applications - Nairobi, Kenya
Peter is a strategy execution specialist, best known for using approaches that make it simple and practical for organizations to design and implement their strategy and performance management systems, including the balanced scorecard. He is the PuMP Partner for Africa, a Certified Polarity Approach to Continuity and Transformation (PACT™) Process trainer and consultant, and formerly an Associate of the Balanced Scorecard Institute. He is the founder of BSEA with over 20 years’ experience in financial and strategic management at the C-Suite, coaching, consulting, and training. Peter’s strategic management experience is in strategy design, strategic performance management (including balanced scorecard based strategic performance management systems), performance measurement, polarity management and business model design.
Peter has worked in many countries in Africa providing training, facilitation and coaching to Boards, leaders, managers and individuals in strategy development, execution, and performance measurement and polarity management across Africa.