Perumpalath, Binoy

Binoy Perumpalath

Polarity Certifications: PACT™ Foundations & Professional Applications Nottingham, England UK

Binoy is a continuous improvement and transformation specialist with over 20 years’ experience in engineering, manufacturing, and the healthcare sector. Binoy helps people and organizations to maximize their performance through the application of improvement science, coaching and mentoring.

As a senior leader at NHS England, he facilitates rapid improvement projects, as well as supports a growing community of 450 improvement leaders from 80 health and care organizations. For Binoy, helping others and making a difference is the most rewarding part of the role. Binoy is currently most passionate about the work he is doing to reduce delays in discharging patients from inpatient settings across England.

Binoy holds a MBA in international business specialising in business process modelling and a BSc in computer aided product design. He is trained in ILM level 7 Executive coaching and mentoring, Lean Six Sigma™ Polarity Thinking™, Quality Service Improvement and Redesign™ and Sustainable Quality Improvement™, Originally from India, Binoy is based in Nottingham, England since 2002. Outside of the office, Binoy enjoys painting, theatre and traveling.

Introduce Me to Binoy


Perera, Nomali


Peterson, Kay